The University of Barcelona’s historic building © Universitat de Barcelona
The University of Barcelona’s historic building © Universitat de Barcelona

The University of Barcelona : strong research process as a springboard for effective teaching

Considered as the best Spanish educative structure for its high-quality programs (Academic Ranking of World Universities 2014), the University of Barcelona is a worldwide-known institution for its 2 342 international academic partnerships and its strong dedication to implement “ neo-research ” programs. Dr. Jordi Alberc h – professor at the facul ty of medicine and vice-rector of research, innova tion and transfer – emphasizes on the university’s philosophy of boosting research to improve students’ employability and encourages scientific step forward.


The University of Barcelona’s historic building © Universitat de Barcelona
The University of Barcelona’s historic building © Universitat de Barcelona

International expans ion for attrac tiveness purposes
Welcoming more than 9 400 foreign students of 126 nationalities into its 18 faculties dedicated to chemistry, geography and medicine among others, the University of Barcelona underlines its will to be strongly connected to international partners to the benefit of students’ training and open-mindedness. “ As a global institution, the curriculum we propose is obviously hooked into worldwide academic matters. One of our main goals by 2020 is to strengthen partnerships with regions such as the United States or Southern America. This strategy goes hand by hand with tightening European mobility both for students and professors, through systems such as Erasmus +. It’ll help us to remain competitive by attracting academic experts and the best PhD students. ”


Interdisciplinary research programs for social benefits
The university is also keen on highlighting new research programs to better understand social, economic or professional phenomena. “ Performing a “ neo-knowledge ” by connecting our works to the industrial world is at stake for our 300 research innovation, the Catalan government encourages synergies between our faculties to the benefit of 700 active research projects. From chemistry to social sciences, we’re willing to stress transdisciplinary topics such as bio-engineering evolutions. ” Through its LERU involvement, the University of Barcelona works on opening new European scientific discussions as well. “ By comparing our different teaching models, academic matters and research fields, we definitely become stronger to propose scientific recommendations to European commissions for knowledge improvement. Through our international cooperation, we work on information technology and Open Access problematics with the “ Imperial College of London ” for instance. Big data and its ethical issues can’t be totally understood through a national frame. ”
Capitalizing on a wide academic curriculum, the university stresses on the close link between highquality academic programs and research improvement. “ Our efficient teaching process results from research dynamics implemented by international experts. By better understanding and questioning social, economic or scientific models, our students eventually increase their adaptability, open-mindedness and lucidity. These “ food for thought ” and professional spirit help them to build their career and enter the labour market. ”


Overall (2013-2014 figures) :
64 819 students into 18 faculties and schools
• More than 2 000 international academic partnerships
5 190 professors, lecturers and researchers
4 998 scientific publications
• Ranked 80th among the 200 best European universities (QS World University rankings 2013)




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