As the oldest university in the English-speaking academic system, Oxford aims to lead the world in education, research and professional training. Through the involvement of some 12 000 staff members, this entity implements an excellency-seeking academic program to the benefit of its students without neglecting the goal of strengthening their employability. Sally Mapstone, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education.
A wide academic and professional curriculum
Frequently ranked as the best international university in terms of medical and scientific training, Oxford remains an excellency-seeking entity in every academic field. Its philosophy is strongly based on teaching transferable skills to students for entering the labour market as well-prepared professionals. “ Our collegiate university supposes a personal and intensive training in line with a curriculum for our 20 000 students. It will help them to develop soft skills and become efficient on theirwork, no matter what the academic or professional challenges might be. ” While proposing internships and entrepreneurial opportunities not only in Europe but also in Hong Kong or in the US for instance, Oxford also enhances both undergraduates and postgraduates to start research experiences in global firms and NGO’s. “ 90 % of our students are hired during the 6 months following their graduation. Strengthening their professional skills is one of our main goals. ”
Transnational challenges for a cuttingedge university
LERU membership doesn’t only allow the university to increase its research and academic tools but also to be part of a pro-active group of European entities. “ This cooperation is done to the benefit of doctoral training and knowledge exchanges between our universities. As our best students compete to follow their curriculum into different LERU structures, it is a way to develop their academic skills regarding on their abilities and professional expectations as well. We implement connexions between our teaching programs to help a knowledge improvement both for graduates and teachers. This strategy is linked to our undeniable mission of preparing the next generations of leading doctoral students, through a cutting-edge and interdisciplinary program. ” The first challenge of the university is to remain a competitive and global entity, “ to extend our “ global reach ” while providing an excellency-seeking education. We’re willing to adapt our teaching tools to big data and technological evolutions. The Oxford tutorial system is highly individualised, but we’re also increasingly emphasising team work and interactivity, along with innovation. ” Through an intensive academic program, the university policy supposes an international preparation to reach top jobs as the majority of the UK Prime ministers who studied there – Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair or even David Cameron – since the end of WW2. “ You’ll be an authentic member of a strong educative system. Thus you’ll implement all the skills to perfectly enter the labour market as an open-minded, hard working and reliable manager. ”
• Around 20 000 students in the whole university
• Top university in the UK and Europe (Times Higher Education World rankings 14-15)
• More than 300 graduate programs
• 26 Oxford graduates who’ve gone on to become UK Prime Ministers
• More than 26 Nobel Prize winners graduated from Oxford
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