Mindthis is going far beyond the traditional press and a step past the traditional “blogosphere” as a global magazine tailored for young professionals.
Mind This Generation
Mindthis can be considered “Media 3.0″: going far beyond the traditional press and a step past the traditional “blogosphere” in harnessing experts from around the world. Our contributors span Sweden to South Africa; their occupations range from world travelers to young academics to professionals at the UN, HSBC, University of Oxford, Deloitte and many more organizations. With readers in over 175 countries, Mindthis has established itself as the voice of Generation Y. Think GQ meets The Economist, as we are a global young professional magazine focused on inspiring Generation Y with the latest analysis of fashion, foreign affairs, culture, and technology. Mindthis is where governments, NGOs, and businesses alike come to understand Generation Y.
The New Mindthis Logo
The red-lined circle with the attached redfilled circle is reminiscent of a thought bubble, as well as a planet with a moon circling around it. In this way it symbolizes the globality of thoughts and ideas shared by our readership and columnists. The grey and red colour scheme on our website symbolizes the harmony between impartiality, objectivity, and reliability of professionalism, and the passion, and energy of youth. Overall the new logo represents the unity of the complex experiences (the objective) in the universe and the unique perspective (the subjective) of each young professional.
New Layout
As our veteran readers can tell, we have come a long way. The new design of Mindthis has been inspired by over 50 different websites from Armani to The Economist. It was crucial to nail down the right balance between practicality and the sheer beauty which embodies our unique brand. Each inch has been thought out to help our readers find the articles they want as soon as possible.
Global Partners
Mindthis is proud to be making key strategic partnerships with internationally acclaimed NGOs and educational institutions. It is these unique relationships that further back for more. As cliche it may sound, this is truly just the start of Mindthis Magazine’s ambitions. We are comprised of young lawyers, scientists, bankers, academics, and rogue world travelers who yearn to establish Mindthis as a 21st century Magazine targeted to providing services and advice to Generation Y. Consider Mindthis your personal army of advisors in fields that matter to you.
The Future
In the coming months we will be launching cutting edge policy briefs targeted to governments, businesses, NGOs, and you through various mediums such as iPads, iPhones, Androids, BlackBerrys, PDF, and more. We will provide easy reads on hard topics to hundreds of millions of people through our magazine to inspire the young and inform the old. Together, the world will Mind this Generation.
Gatien Bon (X2009) et Shaaz Nasir
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