54 600 candidats à travers le monde, un processus de recrutement grandeur nature assuré par des spécialistes des ressources humaines. C’est Camille, une française de 22 ans, étudiante en Master à l’emlyon business school qui, à l’issue d’un processus de sélection qui aura duré un mois, a finalement remporté les suffrages du jury. A partir de mi-septembre, elle deviendra ainsi le bras droit d’Alain Dehaze, CEO du Groupe Adecco pendant un mois.
En juin Camille avait été sélectionnée pour être le bras droit de Christophe Catoir, Président du Groupe Adecco en France. Une première étape avant de conquérir le monde !
Sélectionnée parmi les 50 lauréats de l’opération menée dans le monde entier, elle a pu participer à 2 boot camps, le premier à Amsterdam puis à Tokyo. A chaque étape, Camille a su se démarquer par sa personnalité et sa créativité.
Au programme de ce mois aux côtés d’Alain Dehaze : déplacements dans 8 pays, participation à des comités stratégiques, rencontre avec des décideurs du monde économique, présence lors d’ événements de dimension internationale.
Un mois pour vivre le quotidien du CEO d’un Groupe international, leader mondial des solutions en ressources humaines.
Zurich, Switzerland, 9 September 2016: The Adecco Group, the world’s leading provider of HR solutions, today named Camille Clément as its 2016 ‘Global CEO for One Month’. Chosen from more than 54,600 applicants from across the world, Camille displayed a winning combination of creativity, strategic thinking, team spirit, customer focus and passion to earn the remarkable opportunity to work alongside Group CEO Alain Dehaze. The ‘CEO for One Month’ experience gives all participants a career kick-start, boosting their skills, confidence and employability.
Camille will get a front-line view on how executives approach the challenges of running a €22 billion, global Fortune 500 company. Beyond HR solutions and the staffing business specifically, she will learn on the job business skills, including management, finance, marketing, and will experience public speaking opportunities on behalf of Adecco Group. At the end of the month, the company will offer Camille a position in line with her ambitions and skills.
Young people across the world struggle to get a foot onto the career ladder, held back by a lack of appropriate skills and experience. The ILO World Employment and Social Outlook published on August 25 shows youth unemployment on the rise again. Adecco’s recent survey, ‘Young People and Work: Dreams and Readiness’, indicates that young people view lack of experience as the single biggest barrier to early success. The ‘CEO for One Month’ programme helps talented young people gain relevant work experience that will boost employability and help them kick off their careers with confidence.
Selection for this year’s Group ‘CEO for One Month’ started in March. Over 54,600 candidates applied from all over the world. 50 were chosen to work alongside Adecco Country Managers in their home countries. A selection of 10 were then invited to the ‘Global CEO for One Month’ boot camp in Amsterdam, with the top 5 proceeding to the final challenge and interview in Tokyo.
All 50 ‘CEOs for One Month’ learned on the job and developed soft skills that are in high demand by employers today, such as strategic thinking, problem solving, communication skills, flexibility and creativity. All the ‘CEOs for One Month’ will receive further professional opportunities and guidance from the Adecco Group.
‘CEO for One Month’ is part of Way to Work, the Adecco Group’s global initiative which aims to tackle skills shortages, develop young people’s employability and help them enter the world of work. Through Way to Work, the Adecco Group provides young people internships and apprenticeships (over 5,000 between 2015/2016), career guidance and training.
2016 Adecco Group ‘CEO for One Month’ Camille Clément said: “Three months ago, I lived an incredible work experience alongside Christophe Catoir, Regional Head of Adecco France. I am now extremely happy and honoured to be once more granted such an opportunity to experience the life of a CEO, but on a global scale! The boot camp in Amsterdam and Tokyo has certainly been the most challenging experience of my life, and I was lucky to do it with four incredible competitors and now friends and a stunning organisation team. I can’t wait until October and to make the best out of every day of this month
with Alain Dehaze”.
Adecco Group CEO Alain Dehaze said: “Congratulations to Camille, our 2016 Adecco Group ‘CEO for One Month’! Camille showed she has what it takes to be a future leader, and I look forward to working with her. However the decision was tough, as all 50 of our ‘CEOs for One Month’ were impressive. I’m glad we could provide them with a meaningful experience that can make a difference to their futures. To all of them I want to say: dream big and be bold; never be afraid of failure, as you will learn from it. In the meantime, the Adecco Group will continue supporting their careers”.
2016 Adecco Group ‘CEO for One Month’ 10 finalists
Watch the CEO for One Month 2016 video.
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